May 27, 2008 · My wife and I are planning to travel to Puerto Rico she currently only holds a work permit as she ran out of status about a little less than a year ago. She is waiting for a EAD, she has a valid DL. I talked to three immigration officers (not customer services) and all of them said that it Health coverage for lawfully present immigrants ... In order to get Medicaid and CHIP coverage, many qualified non-citizens (such as many LPRs or green card holders) have a 5-year waiting period. This means they must wait 5 years after receiving "qualified" immigration status before they can get Medicaid and CHIP coverage. There are exceptions. Which Countries Can I Travel to With a Green Card ...
15 Apr 2015 United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) views your Can we Travel to Puerto Rico for our Honeymoon? Leaving the country during this time may result in you forfeiting your entire application process.
U.S. Citizens Traveling Internationally | USCIS Note: This does not affect travel between the United States and its territories. U.S. citizens traveling between the United States and Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa will continue to be able to use established forms of identification. Travel With Expired Green Card and Pending I-90 Travel With Expired Green Card and Pending I-90. Can I travel abroad with an expired 10 year green card and an I-797C Notice of Action? My 10 year green card will expire in August 2009, I already filed a renewal application, and just received my I-797 Notice of Action letter (application receipt confirmation) and a letter with my biometrics appointment. Travel | ICE You can also visit, for more information on how to apply for a U.S. visa in Canada and Mexico. Applying for a new visa is not the same as automatic visa revalidation. You cannot apply for a new visa and take advantage of automatic visa revalidation at the same time.
Some people wait many weeks or even months for their green cards. However, your lack of an actual green card shouldn't stop you from traveling. When you
Waiting for green card...Can I go to Puerto Rico for ... You should check the employment authorization document (EAD) to see if you were issue a combination card. If you do not have an advance parole document, you can still travel to Puerto Rico with the identifying documents that you mentioned. The ideal option is to wait for the approval of your adjustment before you travel. Can I travel to Puerto Rico meanwhile I'm waiting for ... Can I travel to Puerto Rico meanwhile I'm waiting for immigration response of the green card? I have an U visa, about two months ago i filed the application for the green card, after being in the Legal Permanent Resident travel to Puerto Rico - Puerto ... Answer 1 of 8: Hoping someone can give me concrete information Looking to travel to Puerto Rico with some friends. One of my friends is NOT a US Citizen but is a Legal Permanent Resident and has her Green Card/Alien Registration Card. However, her foreign
In order to get Medicaid and CHIP coverage, many qualified non-citizens (such as many LPRs or green card holders) have a 5-year waiting period. This means they must wait 5 years after receiving "qualified" immigration status before they can get Medicaid and CHIP coverage. There are exceptions.
Passports are not required for U.S. citizens traveling to/from the St. Croix in the are not required if you're entering from the U.S. or Puerto Rico; citizens entering from U.S. Citizens DO NOT need a Passport to travel to/from St. Croix!!! **** Program card) or lawful permanent residence (e.g., green card) available will help
Thank you for your assistance with my questions. Answer: You can travel outside the U.S. if you possess a green card. You will need a valid passport from the Philippines. When returning to the United States after temporary travel abroad, you will need to present your valid, unexpired “green card” (Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card).
Can You Travel Outside the U.S. While ... - Green Card | Visas While you are waiting approval for asylum, you can leave the United States. However it is not generally a good idea. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will make the decision on whether or not to approve your request for asylum. If you leave while that application is pending, immigration laws allow the USCIS to presume that you have abandoned your asylum application